Rabu, 4 Ogos 2010

Lori o.0 lori...mengapa kau sengal???

Lemon marah GILE!!!! ARGH!!!!!!
Malam 3 Ogos 2010, Lemon dalam perjalanan pergi ke kelas. Setibanya Lemon di BBN ( bandar buruk nilai), kerete BMW hijau Lemon berhenti di simpang empat sebab lampu merah.


Lampu HIJAU...broom broom...Lemon drive...kat lorong sebelah kanan....

Tiba-tiba ada pule lori celaka malaun pergi flash kat kete Lemon. Dia berniat untuk halau Lemon ke tepi. Lemon nak belok kanan ke arah majlis penyamun nilai, so buat ape Lemon nak pergi lorong kiri...mane ade orang nak belok kanan tapi masuk dari lorong kiri kat simpang macam tu? gile?!!!


Lemon brek. Buke tingkap. Tunjuk FAQ kat dia....padan muke...

Lain kali kalaw nak laju..ikot la hiway...jalan kampung nilai ni 80 kello sejam jer....bodoo~...

Ahad, 4 Julai 2010

Love is in the air

It's all about you...
It's all about you baby...
yesterday you asked me something i thought you'd knew..

For some reason ~Love Is In The Air~ and it's filling Lemon's head. Lemon often hear love problems this week. Lemon is just a sour fruit...nothing at all like that crazy person wearing diapers and caring love-shaped arrows (cupid). Ultimately, Lemon's head is spinning around thinking why is this happening.

For some reason other fruits (friends : if u r not a fruit then u r not Lemon's fwenz) seem to think that Lemon has a problem with orange. HUH??? Orange is that true???


Lemon is sure that Orange is having it more tough than Lemon. Orange has a lot to think about.
The house issue
$$The money issue$$
The fruits (Oranges not Lemons necessarily) issue
Bla Bla Bla....

The biggest of all would be the LEMON ISSUE. Yeah...Lemon knows that Orange is dizzy thinking of Lemon and Lemons on/off behavior. Is it Lemon's fault?? I'm sorry...again...(sigh)

Then all of a sudden a mushroom asked Lemon (wow a mushroom friend...Lemon is contemplating whether to fry mushroom with curry powder or chocolate. nyum nyum) if we are having a problem, dispute or anything..haha...

Then Snail (would she like snailsnail or snaily?) YM for further information regarding the matter. Haha. The shock and awkwardness is beyond scale. Lemon had'nt heard from snailsnail for a loooooooooooo0000000000nnnnngggggg time. Lemon thinks that snailsnail got kissed by a prince and turned into a wabbit so snailsnail is running faster then Lemon could follow.(w8...is that another story??oh my gosh-usher style). That would be the reason why snailsnail has been missing....Lemon thinks..besides the fact that snailsnail is also deeply in love...Lemon thinks....

There were other fruits (again friends) that were asking almost the same question. Lemon appreciate their concern...but.....it's okay now.hihi

Lemon dunno who is the little birdy that spreads this tale...haha....sav...sav

However there is another story...<3

One of the fruits is really having a problem. He (hahaha this fruit deserves that) finds it hard to talk with his loved one....hurm....he had sacrificed a lot....and when its hard to even talk to the other person......so....anyone would get mad and sad at the same time T-T

He tries to look taf on the outside. Boyish boyish. But Lemon thinks that the only reason he is doing that is because he is a kind hearted person. Perhaps too kind......well..it's natural..most 'taf' people is like that. Lemon don't know how he feels...but Lemon wish all the best for him. He's a good guy. Even orange thinks so.

Give me back my point of view

'Cause I just can't think for you

I can hardly hear you say

What should I do, well you choose

P/S : Dude. Your love story is by far the most interesting I've heard. The mood in that song is probably how you feel.

Khamis, 10 Jun 2010

Si Kampang dan Si Calang

alkisah maka tersebutlah kisah...

(sound effect : Jeng Jeng Jeng)

Hari ini Lemon akan membawakan suatu kisah yang SSSSSAAAAAAANNNNGGGAAAAATTT menyakitkan hati Lemon.

Lemon ada (pada suatu hari zaman tok kaduk punye moyang mude mude dulu) dua orang rakan yang agak Lemon respect. Mari kite gelarkan mereka sebagai :

a. Deghian jahat

b. Pokok Lidah Buaye???(panjang sangat panggil Buaye j la)

Kedua-dua mereka agak hebat. Masing-masing mempunyai kualiti tersendiri.
Dependable, confident , knowledgable (even though Deghian has an academic problem but Deghian managed well).Tak ade satu sebab pun untuk orang lain tak suke pada mereke.

Tapi mereke lame-lame makin berubah. Lemon rase gara-gara mereke bergelumang dengan Sir Shit A Lot dari Sains Ikan. (tak taw la..pre assumption Lemon jer). Sampai lah suatu mase mereke melepaskan hampagas kesialan mereka pada Lemon dan rakan-rakan...

Kisah 1

Lemon dengan jayanya telah dilantik sebagai pengarah untuk suatu majlis. H000reeeiiyyy. Maka, Lemon pun percaya lah pada mereka....Lemon turutkan permintaan mereka. Deghian dan Buaye berpesan "kami bz.....ade macam-macam program...so...tak leh nak tolong sangat".

Memandangkan Lemon adalah sebiji buah yang baik hati, Lemon tak kisah.Diorang ada kerje penting di tempat lain. Ok jer....

Mana lah tahu.....yang mereke bz kan tu adelah sebab ada program masuk hutan (pada tarikh yang berdekatan dengan majlis kami) lagi under Sir Shit A Lot. Sir pun berpesan "x yah la gtaw dak2 lain".

Heist, jauh panggang dari api. Jauh lagi punggung dari jamban FKP.

So Deghian dan Buaye tak beritahu pada Lemon. Mati-matian Lemon ngan beberape orang lain buat preparation untuk majlis itu. Kami tak kisah sebab ingatkan kami memang tak cukup kakitangan yang berpengalaman. Sampai tahap, ade burung tu buat surat dalam keadaan dia demam tak larat nak berfikir. Kalaw sampai burung tu kene masuk ICU, memang Lemon picit2 budak due ekor nie.

Macam-macam halangan lagi menimpa. Tapi everyone else was doing their best effort no matter how suck they were at the job. So why couldn’t the stupid heads do the same??

Lame kemudian, Lemon dapat tahu kisah sebenar. Agak-agak korang kalau korang kene tipu cam Lemon..korang bengang tak??


Ternyatalah. Kami ditipu dalam membuat kerja. Kalau mereke tolong kami...nescaye kami tak tertekan.

Kisah 2

Kisah ini adalah peraivet en kondifensial. Tapi ramai dah yang dah tahu. So, pada y’alls yang disimbah ngan nasi lemak basi oleh deghian dan buaye, sabar2 j la yek. Tak kemane diorang 2 nanti. Tak taw setia kawan mereke letak dimana.

Dalam poketkah???dalam laci kah???atau dah flush kat jamban FKP tadi tu?

Ada orang pernah cakap kat Lemon. For each meetings, especially for friends, there will always be a parting of ways.

Tapi Lemon nak balas, meetings never last forever so that goodbyes won’t last forever too unless u mistook your friends for potatoes then you fry them to make chips. Then it’s goodbye till we all die.


Pokoknya disini ya anak2, jangan diikuti sifat2 si kampang dan si calang. Dalam bersahabat, tiada 1 yang lebih penting dari yang 1 lagi. Jujurlah dengan mereka dan hormati mereka. Nescaya mereka akan menyayangi kamu.Ameen.

Adiyos Amigos